Palcmanská Maša

Palcmanská Maša Lake located at the village Dedinky with an area of 86 ha, built by the construction of a dam on the Hnilec river in the years 1948 – 1956. (785 m a.s.l.)



Blajzloch.jpgRomantic water reservoir – a witness of timber floating technology by the flow of collected water. Accessible by turning from the Kopanecká cesta road behind the Veľký Sokol gorge. (623 m a.s.l.)



Klauzy The largest water reservoir in the Slovak Paradise in the upper part of the Biely potok brook. Accessible with marked hiking trail from Čingov through the Prielom Hornádu canyon and the Tomášovská Belá valley, or from the south via the reserve Holý kameň, or through the crossroads Pod Bykárkou. (637 m a.s.l.)