Frozen Hornád river
Walking on ice not recommended at the moment. (spectator.sme.sk)
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Water in Hornád River Gorge likely will not freeze
In the heart of Slovak Paradise National Park, water in the Hornád River Gorge is defying the cold and remaining unfrozen.
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9 beautiful gorges to visit in Slovak Paradise
Unlike some other spots in the national park, these gorges are without the crowds.
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40th anniversary of the archeological research of the Kláštorisko
15 July 2023 - wine festival, free guided tours 16 July 2023 - holy mass, free tours of the monastery ruins
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New autocamping in Čingov
On Friday 5th of May 2023 there was a ceremonial opening of the new autocamping near Hotel Čingov.
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There will be payment terminals in Slovak Paradise, you will be able to pay entry fee by card
Thanks to payment terminals entry fee will be collected all year round. (spis.korzar.sme.sk)
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Fallen trees on tourist hiking trails
After heavy snowfall and strong winds, a large number of trees fell on hiking trails in Slovak Paradise. Keep this in mind when planning your stay in nature – walking on the trails is difficult and hikes take much longer than in the summer.
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Summer connections to the Slovak Paradise and to southern Spiš
Regional organization of tourism Slovak Paradise & Spiš in cooperation with the bus carrier Eurobus and the railway carrier Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko presents popular summer bus and the new seasonal train
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The warrior’s path in the enchanted forest
A new attraction will be built in Slovak Paradise. It is an experience trip that combines physical activity, rest and the history of the local area around Marcel Castle near Hrabušice.
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What was caught on trailcam?
Watch a record caught on trail camera in the central part of the National Park - it revealed not only the movement of animals, but also people. (npslovenskyraj.sopsr.sk)
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Secrets of Slovak Paradise
Visit Slovak Paradise, where you can climb rocks and ladders, spot animals, and get a taste of Slovak culture. (spectator.sme.sk)
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Honey bees do not always sting. Sometimes they can be friends
A new eco-apiary allows visitors to see the life of bees from up close. (spectator.sme.sk)
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The first symbol of spring in the Slovak paradise
Despite the fact that it seems to us that winter does not and does not go away, the symbol of spring has already flourished in the Slovak Paradise. The Slovak poniklec, a legally protected plant, is also a symbol of the Slovak Paradise.
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Cleaning Slovak paradise
Spring cleaning in nature has a long tradition in the Slovak Paradise. It will not be different this time either. Trout of the Slovak Paradise call for individual cleaning on Saturday, April 3, 2021.
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From the history of Slovak Paradise
The beginnings of tourist discovery of attractive localities and waterfalls in Slovak Paradise are associated with the 2nd half of the 19th century. Accessing the most visited places technical aids continues today even their maintenance and replacement.